Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Has Arrived

Spring has finally arrived here in Minnesota. The snow has melted, except for the snow mountains in the store parking lots. The grass is greening up. We had a beautiful day yesterday, although very windy. It brought the warm air though, so we can't complain.

I know it is spring, since I am back working at the Twins and Jesper is out golfing on the team. He has his 1st meet today on the JV. I am sure he will work his way up to Varsity very soon. Monday I hope, since there is a meet at the U and I can go after my class! I can get some golf pictures then, that would be great!

Most things are day to day stuff, although Jesper just got back from Chicago where he met him mother, Eva, for a few days of sight seeing and just having fun. I have posted the pictures, so take a peek.

Prom is this Saturday, so look for those pictures. I will get them on as soon as possible!

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