Monday, March 21, 2011

Graceland and more

BUSY day today. First thing this morning, it was off to Graceland. Toni is in 7th heaven for this visit. We started there early in the morning with the house tour. We also took in the planes, cars and '68 special. The house was a gaudy as it was in the 70's, but it was fun to see. I could have done without the rest of the tour, but everyone gets to choose what the really want to do. Mine is coming tomorrow.

After Graceland, we headed over to the Civil Rights Museum, at the Loraine Hotel. This is where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated. After viewing all this, not just his history, but everything that lead up to it, I am glad I am not from this area.

Last stop of the day was the Rock & Soul Museum. It was a great tour and I would highly recommend it. It pulled together all the history of this areas music, history and you get to listen to lots of music as well. I would have enjoyed it far more, if I hadn't been so tires.

While feet were very sore and we were all very tired, we swung by Graceland again, to get the last, important photo of the day. The one in front of the music gates.

It was a perfect day, sunny, 80 and a nice breeze! Tomorrow, more of the same!

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