Monday, January 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by GailJ.
I finally got a picture of Jesper in his letter jacket. I don't like it so I will have to take another one.
He was off to his basketball game on Saturday. It was a busy day. There were 2 games. One at 9am then again at 4. They have yet to win a game, but each game, they get better. Not bad for never playing together and only 2 practices.
This week has gone by quickly. We had only four days of work and school because of Martin Luther King Day. It was a cold week, so no one wanted to go outside. It was below 0F (-15 to -25C) most of the week. Friday we finally cracked the 0 barrier and actually were above freezing all weekend. That will come to a big end very shortly.

On Friday I met Jesper new girlfriend. I had no idea he had one until Friday. Neither of them drive, so it is her mom or me doing the driving, but they seem to hang out at my house. Hmmm! We will see how that goes.

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