Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dalarna- Rättvik

Dalarna- Rättvik
Originally uploaded by GailJ.
In 1976, I visited Dalarna for the first time. This weekend, I got to go back. It looked exactly the same! There were some great changes, but it looked the same. I was really looking forward to seeing my host parents, Hans Erik and Barbro Forsberg. I was able to spend a lot of time with them and enjoy the company. Unfortunately, it rained the entire weekend, up until we got in the car to leave.
Dalarna is similar to the county, and Rättvik is the town this was near.When I was here before, I was able to enjoy the Midsummer festivities, this time, I was a few weeks late.

Eva suggested that we take in a bit of the local sites, so we visited the Carl Larson house. Carl Larson is one of the most famous Swedish painters. We also stopped in at the Dala Horse factory in Nusnäs. Since I still have my clogs and Dala Horses, I managed to come away without buying anything.

The weekend, while very wet, was a lot of fun and I really was glad to visit with my host parents, and of course, Eva and her family.

Tomorrow, is my last day with Eva, Jesper & Anna. I will be going to stay with Mimmi on Monday night.

Thanks to all who are checking my blog and pictures. Thanks for making comments on the blog. You can also make comments on the pictures if you want to as well.

1 comment:

joy636 said...

Hi Gail! I love being able to follow your adventure via your blog. You sure look and sound like you're having fun. I bet the time is going fast. Take care and say 'hello' to the kids and their families. Joy